Bauman’s Fight Book
Augsburg University Library Cod. Ⅰ.6.4º 2

by Christian Henry Tobler and Jessica Finley (translators), Dierk Hagedorn (transcriber), Michael Chidester (editor)

This is a two-volume set; these books can also be purchased separately at a small price increase.

Volume 1 is a complete reproduction of the manuscript, using the same scans as our Bauman Fight Book facsimile (sometimes called Codex Wallerstein) but printed and bound in a conventional book. Volume 2 is a commentary volume, including a complete transcription and translation as well as a wealth of research related to the history and context of the manuscript.

(Detailed descriptions of these books and a gallery of the commentary volume are included further down the page.)


Reproduction Volume

$59.99 (Hardcover)
$39.99 (Softcover)

Commentary Volume

$64.99 (Hardcover)
$49.99 (Softcover)

Two-Volume Set

$114.99 (Hardcover)
$79.99 (Softcover)

Due to the high cost of international shipping, we offer links to the hardcover and softcover on Lulu and Amazon sites worldwide.

Volume Descriptions

Commentary Volume Gallery