Our book catalog
In addition to our flagship facsimile line, HEMA Bookshelf designs, edits, and publishes conventional books by authors in the HEMA community. If you’re writing a book and would like to take advantage of our editing and publishing services, please contact us.
Pieces of Ringeck
The Definitive Edition of the Gloss of Sigmund Ainring
by Sigmund Ainring, Michael Chidester, and Dierk Hagedorn
Foreword by Tea Kew
Version: 1st edition (December 2024)
Length: 490 pages
$59.99 Hardcover
Foundational Description of the Art of Fencing
The 1570 Treatise of Joachim Meyer
by Joachim Meyer, Hans Christoph Stimmer (illustrator), Rebecca L. R. Garber (translator), Michael Chidester (editor)
Introductions by Christopher VanSlambrouck and Roger Norling
Reading Edition:
Version: 1st edition (August 2023)
Length: 478 pages
$44.99 Hardcover
$49.99 Giant Softcover (spiralbound)
$29.99 Softcover
$14.99 eBook
Reference Edition:
Version: 1st edition (December 2023)
Length: 512 pages (vol. 1) and 238 pages (vol. 2)
$49.99 (vol. 1), $59.99 (vol. 2) Hardcover
$39.99 (vol. 1), $49.99 (vol. 2) Softcover
$99.99 Hardcover set
$79.99 Softcover set
Kunst und Zettel im Messer
The Bavarian State Library Cgm 582 (Reproduction and Commentary)
by Hans Lecküchner (author); Michael Wolgemut (illustrator); Carsten Lorbeer, Julia Lorbeer, Johann Heim, Robert Brunner, Alex Kiermayer (transcribers); Michael Chidester (editor)
Articles by Daniel Burger, Casper J. van Dijk, Olivier Dupuis, Jessica Finley, Adam Franti, Falko Fritz, Dierk Hagedorn, Oskar ter Mors
Commentary Volume:
Version: 1st Edition (October 2021)
Length: 275 pages
$79.99 Hardcover
$49.99 Softcover
Reproduction Volume:
Version: 1st edition (August 2024)
Length: 432 pages
$99.99 Hardcover
$59.99 Softcover
$159.99 Hardcover 2-volume set
$99.99 Softcover 2-volume set
Alte Armatur und Ringkunst
The Royal Danish Library Ms. Thott 290 2º (Reproduction and Commentary)
by Hans Talhoffer, Rebecca L. R. Garber (translator), Dieter Bachmann (transcriber), Michael Chidester (editor)
Articles by Paul Becker, Michael Chidester, Ariella Elema, Dierk Hagedorn, Daniel Jaquet, Christian Henry Tobler
Commentary Volume:
Version: 2nd edition (November 2021)
Length: 194 pages
$64.99 Hardcover
$39.99 Softcover
Reproduction Volume:
Version: 1st edition (November 2022)
Length: 300 pages
$79.99 Hardcover
$39.99 Softcover
$129.99 Hardcover 2-volume set
$69.99 Softcover 2-volume set
Bauman’s Fight Book
Augsburg University Library Cod. Ⅰ.6.4º 2 (Reproduction and Commentary)
by Christian Henry Tobler and Jessica Finley (translators), Dierk Hagedorn (transcriber), Michael Chidester (editor)
Articles by Michael Chidester, Jessica Finley, Elias Flatscher, Dierk Hagedorn, Marlene Hurst, Lucien Lee, Charles Lin, Oskar ter Mors, Reinier van Noort, Christian Henry Tobler, and Bartłomiej Walczak
Commentary Volume:
Version: 1st edition (October 2022)
Length: 265 pages
$64.99 Hardcover
$49.99 Softcover
Reproduction Volume:
Version: 1st edition (November 2023)
Length: 224 pages
$59.99 Hardcover
$39.99 Softcover
$114.99 Hardcover 2-volume set
$79.99 Softcover 2-volume set
Fencing or the Science of Arms by Salvator Fabris
Illustrated and Unillustrated Editions
by Salvator Fabris, A. F. Johnson (translator), Michael Chidester (transcriber)
Version: 1st edition (May 2022)
Length: 712 pages
$39.99 Hardcover
$29.99 Softcover
The Flower of Battle
MS M 383
by Michael Chidester (with appendix by Jay Leccese)
Version: 1st edition (April 2021)
Length: 162 pages
$49.99 Hardcover
$39.99 Softcover
“…The Foundation and Core of All the Arts of Fighting”
The Long Sword Gloss of GNM Manuscript 3227ª
by Michael Chidester and Dierk Hagedorn (transcriber)
Reading Edition:
Version: 1st edition (February 2021)
Length: 100 pages
$19.99 Hardcover
$14.99 Softcover
$9.99 eBook
Reference Edition:
Version: 2nd edition (January 2021)
Length: 153 pages
$49.99 Hardcover
$39.99 Softcover
The Illustrated Meyer
A Visual Reference for the 1570 Treatise of Joachim Meyer
by Michael Chidester (illustrated by Tobias Stimmer)
Version: 2nd edition (October 2020)
Length: 170 pages