Foundational Description of the Art of Fencing
The 1570 Treatise of Joachim Meyer

by Joachim Meyer, Hans Christoph Stimmer (illustrator), Rebecca L. R. Garber (translator), Michael Chidester (editor)

18 months after the release of the Reading Edition, some people are finding that their books are getting ragged and the glued spines just aren't holding up. I've talked this situation over with Grimm Book Bindery, the workshop that builds our facsimiles, and we're going to produce a very limited run of cleat-sewn copies of the book.

That's not all! While it's too soon for a new edition of the Meyer books, over the past few months we've been reviewing the text and correcting errors, as well as adding a few quality-of-life features that were part of the original plan but skipped the first time around. We'll release an errata sheet when this process is concluded, but these hardcover books will be made with the corrected files, giving you access to the most up-to-date version of the book!

Once we get sufficient pre-orders, we’ll go to print.

Only 36 left in stock